Monday, April 18, 2011

Week 6: Tahoe and Wedding

There has been a record-breaking amount of snow in Tahoe this year, but we’ve only been snowboarding once this season.  It seemed like time to take advantage of our freedom, and the in-laws near Sacramento, to get in a full day of snowboarding.  We spent a couple nights with Brian’s parents and they were wonderful to take Lukas for the day so we could get our snowboarding on.  We hadn’t been boarding as a couple since Lukas was born, so this was quite a treat.  It was spring skiing, icy in the morning and slushy in the afternoon, but we had a blast.  Beer and candy bars got us through, then we had homemade pizza and a happy child waiting for us.  The snowboarding got us a little sidetracked from our RV planning, but we had a weekend wedding to go attend as well.  This week we were taking a break from the RV.

While in the Sacramento area, we checked out Folsom Zoo Sanctuary.  It is a small zoo that has rescue animals only, ranging from wounded native species to ex-pets.  The zoo has only three keepers on staff each day, but they do a great job of caring for the animals.  I was particularly impressed with their brown bear enclosure which featured a cave, waterfall, dirt and trees, and plenty of off-view areas.  A new aviary was close to completion.  Lukas was most interested in the roosters that roamed free and the train that we could hear whistling just off in the distance.

On Saturday we drove down to Santa Cruz for the wedding of two wonderful people.  It was a small affair at a house overlooking the ocean.  The food was amazing, the guests were lovely, and the bride and groom radiant.  Lukas cheesed it up for the camera and made friends with the other kids.  I stayed late to drink and chat sans child and my sweet husband took the kid back to our hotel.  
Sunday we had to leave early so Brian could get home to watch the thrilling conclusion of the Master’s.  I set about fretting how we were going to get an RV and leave on our scheduled date in less than a week.

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